The Northwest Territories/Nunavut Council of Friendship Centres is a non-profit, non-sectarian, autonomous agency.

Mission Statement

To assist in the establishment, monitoring and strengthening of Aboriginal Friendship Centres and their provincial/territorial association across Canada, in order for them to continue providing a high quality of cultural re-enforcement, preservation and strengthening and community development services to aboriginal people.

The Association

The Council is headed by an Executive Committee composed of a President, Vice- President, Treasurer, Secretary, NAFC Board Representative and Youth Representative who are selected according to the By-Laws of the Council. The Council is administered by such staff as are provided in the operational plan. The Executive Committee is responsible for the overall operation of the Council and accountable to the members in this regard.

The Executive Director of the NT/NU Council of Friendship Centres is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Council and is directly accountable to the Executive Committee. The Executive Director has direct responsibility for support staff and for any trainees or consultants retained for the purpose of corporate operational planning.


Twitter: @NTNU_CFC
Phone: (867) 873 – 4332
Fax: (867) 873 – 4331
Email: kyle_bird@ntnucfc.ca
Contact Info:
NT/NU Council of Friendship Centres 
5125-48th Street, 
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 1N5